For over 35 years we have been researching the business models, industry dynamics and clients of professional services firms. Our database contains over 550,000 brand ratings and 220,000 pieces of client feedback. This evidence informs the strategies we share and methods we use.

Our team intimately understands challenges facing your team – because we’ve been there. Between us we have over 150 years’ collective experience working in or with professional services firms like yours. This lets us translate our huge dataset into the actionable insights you need to grow.

We offer a unique integrate offering and marries the only dataset of its kind anywhere in the world with a team of world-class experienced experts.

Our service and product suite:

Competitor Benchmarking

Compare your client service performance against that of your direct competitors and uncover areas of differentiation.

Brand Health

Assess how you are perceived by the market, including non-clients, and maximise your conversions.

Client Feedback Tools

Use our suite of tools to assess, track and monitor client satisfaction and action issues fast.

Market research

Identify the trends in the market on key topics of interest and position your brand with world-class research.

Strategic Consulting

Develop and implement evidence-based and best practice strategies and be more competitive in the market.

CX Transformation

Embed and nurture client-centricity in the culture of your firm and improve client experience.

Business Development

Maximise the effectiveness of your BD and marketing efforts and ensure your team is fit-for-purpose.

Pricing Consulting

Define and articulate your value propositions and develop the skills to better negotiate on price.

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