Beaton Debrief customer survey software

Get client feedback in a few clicks and act on it

Streamline your feedback processes with Beaton Debrief’s tailored customer feedback surveys and easy to use online feedback dashboard.

Research shows acquiring new clients can cost five to six times more than retaining current ones. Monitoring client satisfaction and responding to feedback with customer survey software may be the most important investment you can make in your business.

Keep your finger on the pulse, build more profitable client relationships, track areas for growth and, diagnose client dissatisfaction.  Ultimately, grow your bottom line with our client feedback tool Beaton Debrief.

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Effortlessly monitor client satisfaction levels

Introducing our customer survey software: Beaton Debrief

Excellent client relationships require consistent communication and nurture to blossom.

Feedback is the key to connecting regularly with your clients. It provides a window into their experiences and can reveal whether the relationship is growing in the right direction, whether it’s getting enough nutrients, and where critical adjustments need to be made.

Beaton Debrief is our one-of-a-kind client feedback tool built for this purpose. With it, you can elevate profitable client relationships and boost referrals while streamlining your improvement processes.

What our clients say about
Beaton Debrief survey platform

“This product is cost effective, meets our needs, and enables us to gather a higher volume of insights than if we focused only on formal client listening discussions … It’s a consistent and systematic way to regularly connect with clients, and demonstrate we care about and are listening to their views and priorities.”

Kim Trajer

Chief Operating Officer, McCullough Robertson

What our clients say about the
Beaton Debrief survey platform​

Streamline your client feedback surveys

We are experts in client feedback and research. We know what questions to ask, and how to sort responses into an actionable and easy-to-use format for your business.

Debrief is the only survey tool on the market that draws on 20+ years of Beaton research and experience working for B2B professional services firms. Monitor feedback over time, receive alerts on when to act, and witness immediate results with the unique online dashboard.​

Prebuilt or customised surveys

Surveys designed for you

When setting up Debrief, our team will create individually customised surveys for your business, designed to extract the most important insights for your particular needs.

Whether you want to assess overall customer satisfaction or delve into specific experiences and projects, we will help you set up a solution for Debrief to help you achieve your goals. We are committed to achieving results and only offer customised, targeted and effective surveys designed by experts with your business in mind.

  • Send tailored surveys build by experts with more than 20 years’ experience in B2B professional services research.
  • Take control with the unique online dashboard and deliver surveys at the touch of a button
    Survey your clients at the start, middle or end of a project.

real-time feedback

Client feedback email alerts

  • Take immediate action on real-time feedback from your clients
  • Where other survey companies take months to collate responses, Debrief collects and displays feedback in a unique dashboard platform as soon as it is received
  • Monitor successes and failures as soon as they occur
  • Negative feedback is delivered directly to your inbox for immediate action with a “red flag” alert to act

client feedback dashboard

Effortlessly track client satisfaction with the online portal

The Beaton Debrief dashboard serves as your command centre. It provides an overview of ongoing surveys, response rates, and a snapshot of key metrics

  • Real-time insights: Monitor responses as they come in, allowing you to respond promptly to emerging trends or issues
  • Visual analytics: Visual representations offer clear insights into your data to help you rack changes in satisfaction over time
  • Exportable reports: Downloadable reports in various formats for seamless sharing with stakeholders

What our clients say about
Beaton Debrief survey platform

“Since implementing Debrief, we have noticed more accountability and understanding that responding to feedback (good and bad) improves client relationships. We now have better communication with clients before and after the survey.”

Kate Mortlock

Client Relationship Advisor, Harrison Grierson

What our clients say about the
Beaton Debrief survey platform​

Allow us to build a tailored solution for you

Beaton Debrief surveys can be sent at any stage of the client journey. You may choose to receive feedback after onboarding a new client, at a mid-way point during a project, or after the conclusion of a project. We can also collect feedback on your proposals and bids for work, to help you identify why you win or lose opportunities – and improve your success chances in the future.

We collaborate closely with our clients to ensure your Beaton Debrief is fit-for-purpose and works with your business. We will only ever provide unique, tailored products; cookie-cutter solutions are not our style.

Drawing on decades of beaton experience gathering feedback, we can also consult with you and continue to offer advice. It is our goal to help you develop a client listening program that is consistently used and, most importantly, sees results for your business.

Why trust us with your client feedback tools?

For more than 35 years Beaton has been the Voice of your Clients specialists. For 20 years we have conducted the annual Client Choice Awards – the biggest large-scale survey of clients’ opinions on professional services firms in the world. This research informs everything we do.

Our customer feedback tools and surveys are designed specifically for B2B professional services because that is where our experience lies. We use language that you and your clients will understand. The insights you receive will be tailored for your business to maximise actionability.

In today’s connected world, clients have many choices or providers and are more willing that ever to change firms. Retaining clients is fast becoming the most crucial (and lucrative) challenge for modern firms. It is only with regular communication and ongoing feedback that you can ensure you are meeting clients’ needs and sustaining their ongoing loyalty.

Look inside the minds of your clients​

Book a consultation to start understanding how you can best serve your clients’ needs.

Our latest insights on client feedback