Survey tool offers a reliable system to collect customer feedback

Collecting and responding to customer feedback is an invaluable practice for any business. For B2B professional services firms, the effort of doing so goes a long way.

Collecting client feedback can help your firm improve client satisfaction and boost your Net Promoter Score (NPS), as well as enhance customer loyalty. All of these things also have a substantial impact on your bottom line.

This article explores how Beaton’s survey tool, Beaton Debrief, takes away many of the time-consuming and manual processes involves in collecting feedback. Firms using Debrief say it gives them back time and resources to focus on responding to the feedback and improving client satisfaction as a result.

“Beaton Debrief has allowed us to listen to our clients and improve the quality of our services so when we work with them again, we have a better understanding of their needs and preferences and can provide the best possible outcome for their project.”

– Kate Mortlock, Client Relationship Advisor, Harrison Grierson – read full case study here

Why should professional services firms collect feedback?

Research shows clients who are asked to give feedback are more satisfied than clients who receive no follow-up after a project. Findings reported in the Royal Institute of British Architects Journal and outlined in this blog post show exactly this.

Clients in this study rated architects who did not follow up on completion of a project worse than they rate those who did. The below graph illustrates how following up after a project enhances client satisfaction, particularly when they aren’t contracted to do so

If asking for feedback has such positive impact, why aren’t all firms collecting it? The most common answer we hear at Beaton is that the process can be time-consuming, manual and ad hoc.

Our client Harrison Grierson told us:

[Gathering feedback] was a very manual process and relied on multiple people collating the correct information, this being actioned and then responses being coordinated … [It] was also very dependent on the person taking the time and was one of those things that would quickly slip to the bottom of the pile of things to do.”

Feedback tends to get lost if there’s no system in place for collecting and responding to it. This can lead to an even worse result – where clients feel frustrated that their concerns are falling on deaf ears. You risk losing clients, which is incredibly costly.

If gathering and responding to feedback is a strategy you want to employ for the long-term, you need a system to help. An NPD tracking tool like Debrief can save firms time and resources by collating feedback in an easy-to-use database accessible by multiple team members.

How our survey tool makes surveying clients easier

Debrief is a tool that makes surveying customers and clients easier by collecting your clients’ feedback and depositing it in a streamlined online dashboard. The feedback can be used to understand your Net Promotor Score as well as detail verbatim comments from clients on your services.

Rather than relying on your busy staff slipping into ad hoc methods of manually collecting feedback, you can use Debrief to automate a lot of the processes involved. This gives you back time and resources that can be put to better use. You can focus on improving your services and building client relationships, based on the information Debrief collects.

Law firm McCullough Robertson told us:

It’s a consistent and systematic way to regularly connect with clients, and demonstrate we care about and are listening to their views and priorities.”

Debrief won’t forget to ask for feedback. We help you set the tool up to send out carefully designed surveys at intervals of your choosing. Feedback can be collected at time-based intervals or at key points during a project. It’s a reliable way to ensure all clients are being asked to detail their experience with honesty and objectivity.

A screenshot of the Beaton Debrief dashboard.

Try our survey tool to collect feedback and improve client satisfaction

Firms who have tried Debrief say it is easier to use and more reliable than simply collecting feedback via manual processes on their own. As a result, response rates are higher, and firms say that they have better data analysis from larger sample sizes.

As a result of using Debrief, Harrison Grierson told us it now enjoys:

“1. More accountability and understanding that responding to feedback (good and bad) improves client relationships.

2. Better communication with clients before and after the survey.

3. Identifying and acting on pain points.

4. Data collection and analysis”

Try Debrief for free today via this link.

Please get in touch with any of our partners if you’d like to discuss further. We at Beaton would love to help tailor a Debrief NPS tracking solution that meets your firm’s needs.

Achieving high NPS just became a whole lot easier

Use our platform, Beaton Debrief, to collect client feedback and act on it in real-time with our interactive dashboard. Sign up for a free trial today.

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